Thursday, June 12, 2008


So i finally am going to start using this blog thing. i had no idea how to make the layouts and everything so pretty and nice until i had my sister help me. i couldnt find friends, family members, until she showed me how! thank you.


Jenna said...

Not a problem. Now all you have to do is keep it updated!!

Alena said...

YAY!!! i'm so happy you got one i remember you said you were gonna try and set it up this is excited now i can stock you!!! hope all is going well i'll be home soon so we have to do lunch! love you

Beckie said...

Welcome to the blog world! I never see you anymore. :(
Now I'll be able to keep up to date with your blog.
I love what you've done so far.
Love ya!

Ashley and Matt Marx said...

Yeah where are all the updates. Love ya missed you at the lake this year. Just not the same with out the Wirth Family

Sweet Pea said...

Hi Ashley!!! This is Paige, I can't believe I found your blog!!! I was looking at the people with blogs from Waddell and I saw the singles branch thing and then you talked about being LDS, I was like ok, that's wierd and I came and checked it out, you have to see mine!!!